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firefox-esr 91 can't be build because of missing cbindgen >=0.19
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Firefox ESR 78 has been EOL for months and has known unfixed security issues.

Alas, byzantium doesn't offer firefox-esr 91 (which is available in Debian since December) yet because the build fails:

That is because it is missing (rust-)cbindgen >= 0.19 as build-dependency, which firefox-esr 91 needs.
Debian is offering cbindgen 0.20 via stable-proposed-updates because of this:

Could you please update cbindgen in byzantium accordingly?

Event Timeline

drs triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Feb 8 2022, 15:48
drs created this task.
drs added a project: Restricted Project.
jeremiah.foster lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Normal.Feb 14 2022, 17:42
jeremiah.foster added a subscriber: jeremiah.foster.

A new version of Firefox-ESR will be coming into PureOS 10.

Leaving this open until we've solved the cbindgen issue.

This comment was removed by joao.azevedo.
guido closed this task as Resolved.Mar 29 2022, 02:28
guido claimed this task.
guido added a subscriber: guido.